if I've just woken up, I like to spend time in my room, just waking up, then maybe do some yoga postures, shower,
then I come down a grunt to my dad get my breakfast drink, avoid eye contact with my maid, go feed my dogs.
this is a typical morning, and I sound like a bi*ch!
now, if I were staying in my friends house, which is mostly because we were probably partying the night before, the typical scene would be:
me waking up, see if the others are awake, go downstairs, greet my friends' mom, tell her what a crazy night it was last night, go back up stairs start waking up my friends by asking them stupid questions like "are you still sleeping? I'm bored"
then go back downstairs and chow dome some food to cure the creeping hangover and go back home where I proceed to laze in the comfort of my own home. now this is not the usual morning, only when I'm out partying on weekends.
so back to my purpose, what is it that people, in particular, families talk to each other about in the mornings
as I'm pretty sure nothing major could have happened between the time you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning, other than perhaps a crazy dream involving llamas and donkeys or maybe even elbowing the person next to you in your sleep
and I absolutely dislike being cheery in the morning. so all those "GOOD MORRNINGGG ISN'T IT A BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY?!" absolutely do not go well with me, if anything they make me insecure haha
in a family with younger kids, the morning conversation would be something along the lines of this blog i found while researching breakfast conversations
in my home lately, ever since I started working with my dad, when we do meet in the mornings; as sometimes my dad leaves earlier than me to go to the gym, our conversations revolve around what needs to be done for the day, or plans for the company.
it's not bad, but I can help but wonder what would be talking about had I not joined his company...
I can't say that I'd like to start talking to anyone in particular in the morning, I still like to have my quiet time in the morning, maybe even listen to some nice music and read the papers
yes, that would be nice indeed, some silence. mmm yeahhhhh
tell me what you think you would like to do in the mornings?
my dream breakfast:
peanut butter
grape fruit
orange juice
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