Thursday, December 29, 2011

rolling around

yesterday evening, a group of 7 of us went to Gasing hills for some hill climbing, as part of our training process for our up coming climb.

we went in two groups. I was in the group that came later with the two boys. we waited for the girls to join us at the suspension bridge. if I had pictures, I would totally put them up. I need to find a more efficient way of posting up pictures.

anywho, when the girls finally came, we started our trek up the hill, it went up up up and then down down down, just as we reached the base, again, before us, there was this huuuuge and steep upward trek that needed to be done.

one way of the other, we did it. and this only took us less than half hour, so we proceeded to another trail. I suggested the one that heads to the reservoir.

there, I remembered the first time I had attempted it, where upon coming to a really steep road, the first thing that had crossed my mind was about rolling down the hill and whether it would be possible.

with some encouragement from my friend, (actually I'm just really easy to convince) I lay horizontally flat on the floor and rolled. uncontrollably.

so this time, when I took my friends there, I told them about my experience rolling down the hill, and naturally, being the great convincer that I am. they followed suit.

well, truthfully, they didn't buy it till I had to demonstrate to them, they almost didn't try..

and one by one everybody tried rolling except Jatin.

and then we had the brilliant idea of, all of us rolling simultaneously!

so there we were, on the hill, 6 of us lay flat on the road and started rolling. it was definitely a sight and we got it recorded on video too, by the guy who didn't roll.

it was definitely an enjoyable experience and SO MUCH cooler than planking!


bustling around

since it's the festive season, most of KL has been significantly empty. I took this opportunity do carry out all my errands that required me driving from place to place.

my parents are away in Dhaka, and left me with too many errands.

i have many stories too!

about my attempt in painting a room, choosing tiles for kitchens and bathrooms, sorting out the companies, making time for friends, training for my up coming climb!

will try and write the out now. before I get busy again!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

motorbike license

since God knows when I've alwaysss wanted to ride a motor bike.

my old fashioned Indian father says that I can't and till I move out of the house which is only after I get married, I can then do whatever I want.
I find it ridiculous to know that I'm being pushed below the ground like this. but it's my parents and I don't wanna upset them.

and it's absolutely horrendous that till today, I need to have a man. I hate that. I don't hate men, but I think women should have their own independence and make decisions on their own, without having a dick deciding things. what kind of nonsense is that.

my daughters will never be put through such circumstances. and please don't give me that women can be raped bullshit.

any how. I have a plan. it came to me while I was showering.

it's interesting to know that most of life decisions take place here.

ok, this isn't a major life decision. but I shan't reveal. I have a stupid belief that if I share my plans with friends & family, they don't happen.

this plan could involve my sister, hence why I have already told her. if she is game I'm going ahead. if she isn't, I'm still going ahead!

and it begins with me....



motorbike license!!

I am so excited!

I will sign up for classes soon and it has to be all hush hush cos my dad will never allow it!

I feel good about this plan, it's totally feasible, affordable, I can make the time for it.

just to fill u in on the kinds of bikes I've had crushes on..

the Kawasaki Ninja

and the vespa!

and we wear our helmets. oops I might be letting out more than I should be!

can somebody (anybody who even reads this) tell me where can get free images from?! and how to embed them in my blog? please!

wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

currently procrastinating

I'm supposed to fill up the agency forms, track our office computers, talk to some service providers about implementing faxing straight from the computer

but instead I've made plans for the 29th of December, for a road trip with some girlfriends NEXT DECEMBER, read about how the French have voted Anne Sinclair (wife of DSK) as woman of the year, sometimes I'm shocked at the kinds of decisions women make, still catching up on current events and awaiting lunch when I realised,

I have been procrastinating!!!

so I thought I'd quickly write here, just to prove that I am not procrastinating, but in fact I am cos by writing here, I am again deviating from my work.

what a vicious cycle

it's year end!!! Nobody's supposed to workkkk


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

people of devotion

it really amazes me how some people dedicate large portions of their life for God. I have two guests at home, they are a recently married couple. the husband was previously a sanyasi.

a Sanyasi is someone who has decided to renounce all material possessions and relationships to pursue spiritual interests. thereby dedicating life to God only.

so, somewhere along the way, he found his soul mate and decided to get married. it is very interesting to see them as they are slightly different from other couples. the one thing I always see them doing together is praying and meditating.

after constantly being exposed to couples who are publicly displaying their affection for one another (which kinda grosses me out) this couple on the other hand are constantly praying or chanting.

it's strangely normal.

in the morning they're singing bhajans, in the evening again it's bhajans and in between, they have their chanting beads and are chanting. I don't know what they do other times as I'm out of the house.

one things for sure, having this couple at home sure has brought me back to reality.

that perfect gift

I found it!

it's the most perfect gift and timeless. it's from Pandora

I'm buying a bracelet, with two charms of the letters "D" & "R" it's costing me an arm and a leg, I would never buy my self such an expensive gift. but luckily two of my friends also wanna contribute to the gift, that makes it less expensive.

but I thought about it, it's for a dear friend, I've known her for ages, and this is a great achievement i.e. her becoming a doctor

I can't wait to go and buy it tomorrow or day after. will try to take a picture.

meanwhile, I am still having diarrhea and life has been miserable. I'm hungry, weak and just tired, not to mention the least bit happy about having to wake up at 3 am to go to the toilet

help me

doctor gifts

one of my best-est retards just graduated and is a full fledged doctor and I have no idea what to buy her.

I'll definitely get her a card, but what else??

an engraved stethoscope? a chain?

I looked up some ideas on the internet, and found bacteria and virus shaped cups and plush toys, they're fun, but they aren't timeless.

I wanna give her something that will last through her journey of success.

confession: I made her school life a little miserable, out of jealousy, I turned all our friends against her, it was so childish of me, when school ended and when I came back from India I think, well at some point in my life, I apologised and she accepted me back again.

and now we're back to being best retards.

and now I have the dilemma of buying that perfect gift. I'm not one to usually buy gifts, but when I do, it's for an important occasion and it has to be perfect!

maybe a plaque? saying the most retarded doctor? (noooo)

or something silver? I wont get jewelry unless it's in related to medicine. maybe some furniture??
this is gonna be strenuous and I only have till this sunday to get it! Going t meet her on the 26th!

help me

Monday, December 19, 2011

food poisoning

currently suffering from food poisoning, woke up in the morning and decided to head butt my toilet bowl and gave it a round of vomit.

it was traumatizing, then I went back to sleep, woke up an hour later to get ready for work.
had some diarrhea, got ready went downstairs and realised, hey I so don't have the energy to go to work.

went back to bed, passed out, had several interruptions as I slept with my phone.
woke up again and head butted the toilet bowl again.


it was already past lunch by now, got ready to go to work as I had some things to get done, and had another round of diarrhea again.

I have no idea what I ate, but I just wish I never ate it. I feel lousy right now.

the only thing that brightened my day is that my newly graduated doctor friend has come back! and she called! can't wait to meet her on the 26th


till I get better

Friday, December 16, 2011

highlights of the week

managed to save RM2.50 on parking when I rushed to pay for it by a minute.

formed a sole proprietorship ( as much as I'd love to give details, I found that when I disclose information to masses on things I plan to do, they never turned out as planned; I know, very stupid belief)

submitted my company docs to my company secretary, almost after 2 weeks of delay!

Mum came back! with loads of fruits and chocolate and a very heavenly bathrobe!

that's about it guess... dang, I thought this week had a lot more to it, must be the amnesia.

the upcoming weekend hasn't started but is very busy. got a wedding to attend tomorrow night, and my friend from jakarta, chandni is coming down, some exercise in the morning, cleaning in the apartment in the afternoon. packed day indeed

and I'm so not blogging over the weekend. lets be fair.

have a blissful weekend

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


have you ever had to sign so many documents at one go and you found it hard to maintain the consistency in the signature?

I usually have that problem. I know have on my desk, about an inch thick stack of papers that need my signatures, what's making this Ia bigger ordeal, I recently changed my signature and am already struggling with its consistency.

it should be fine.

yesterday I was flipping through some old photo albums and it was really nice to look through them and seeing how we have all changed physically. one thing that I have managed to keep consistent is my sense of mischief and out going personality.

it was interesting to know, that I liked making my self different, whether it's through making a face, or posing (like a boss) on a rock or making funny faces for my brother to laugh at.

I hope to upload the photos here, before which I will check if there is a blogger mobile app that will enable easier upload of pictures from my mobile.

if yes?! you're in for a treat


greeting s from my mobile!

My little brother n me

Bro me n sis

Mum n sis

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Morning conversations

okay, pretty much the whole world my family knows that I am not a morning person.

if I've just woken up, I like to spend time in my room, just waking up, then maybe do some yoga postures, shower,

then I come down a grunt to my dad get my breakfast drink, avoid eye contact with my maid, go feed my dogs.

this is a typical morning, and I sound like a bi*ch!

now, if I were staying in my friends house, which is mostly because we were probably partying the night before, the typical scene would be:

me waking up, see if the others are awake, go downstairs, greet my friends' mom, tell her what a crazy night it was last night, go back up stairs start waking up my friends by asking them stupid questions like "are you still sleeping? I'm bored"

then go back downstairs and chow dome some food to cure the creeping hangover and go back home where I proceed to laze in the comfort of my own home. now this is not the usual morning, only when I'm out partying on weekends.

so back to my purpose, what is it that people, in particular, families talk to each other about in the mornings

as I'm pretty sure nothing major could have happened between the time you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning, other than perhaps a crazy dream involving llamas and donkeys or maybe even elbowing the person next to you in your sleep

and I absolutely dislike being cheery in the morning. so all those "GOOD MORRNINGGG ISN'T IT A BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY?!" absolutely do not go well with me, if anything they make me insecure haha

in a family with younger kids, the morning conversation would be something along the lines of this blog i found while researching breakfast conversations

in my home lately, ever since I started working with my dad, when we do meet in the mornings; as sometimes my dad leaves earlier than me to go to the gym, our conversations revolve around what needs to be done for the day, or plans for the company.
it's not bad, but I can help but wonder what would be talking about had I not joined his company...

I can't say that I'd like to start talking to anyone in particular in the morning, I still like to have my quiet time in the morning, maybe even listen to some nice music and read the papers

yes, that would be nice indeed, some silence. mmm yeahhhhh

tell me what you think you would like to do in the mornings?

my dream breakfast:
peanut butter
grape fruit
orange juice


truly an inspiration

Hillary Clinton's speech recently delivered at Geneva at the United Nations on the 6th of December 2011 in recognition of International Human Rights Day.

Part 1

Part 2

besides the contents of this truly remarkable speech, Ms Hillary Clinton has delivered this speech with confidence, compassion and passion. anyone listening to this would definitely be able to understand where she comes from. she touches all aspects of the issue, personal, political, religious.

the words used in the speech also clearly reflect what she thinks of the issue.

the speech has been well organised and definitely well delivered.

I am just really intrigued to know whether she had previously practiced this speech. her eye contact and hand gestures with the audience is completely natural.
tho I must admit, in the beginning of her speech, I could sense her nervousness, but it all disappeared in a matter of minutes into the speech.

this speech has once again inspired me to be more serious and committed with my Toastmasters group!

not bad eh,
two posts in one day!
this is me not procrastinating!

Monday, December 12, 2011

yesterday, whilst at the toilet, (after effects of coffee) I thought to my self that I should write a little on .

and since I have a masters in and know how to procrastinate like there's always a tomorrow, I did just that, what I thought yesterday is materializing today.

I procrastinated on so many things yesterday. I honestly wish I didn't procrastinate, it's one of my worst traits.

so, I shall begin the ending of my procrastinating days by updating this blog on a daily basis.

even if it's just one word

laters now

Sunday, December 11, 2011


this drink I tell you, is such a paradox.

I was feeling fatigued and so I proceeded to make and drink some coffee, before which, I actually have no idea how to make this drink. It never tastes the same and nice for that matter.

I usually put one teaspoon of coffee, 2 tsps of coffee mate and 1.5 sugar, but my coffee usually smells burnt, or tastes dilute, or not sweet enough.

then those guys at "mamaks" make them and its perfect. they don't have to taste it to make sure it's okay.
I taste mine and its never okay!

how annoying, actually, it's a blessing, I'm just not meant to be domesticated. besides, if I can outsource it, why not right??

So back to my dilemma with coffee, when I type the word "coffee" I can hear my self saying cofffffff feee ... cos of the double f's and double e's

anyhoooo, coffee makes me poo and that's just annoying.
